
Hi and welcome to the 5 Minute MBA, a podcast where I share 5 minute hacks to improve your business and your life.

In each episode you’ll discover a new career, leadership, or business hack you can implement right away. I pull from my own experiences, hundreds of books and resources, and conversations with great leaders to bring you engaging stories and actionable steps. My goal is for you to walk away from each episode 5 minutes smarter, 5 minutes more motivated, and 5 minutes better prepared to change the world.

Whether you’re just getting started in your career or an experienced business professional, I hope to provide valuable and engaging tips to help you grow in your career, improve your leadership abilities, and become all-around better at business.

About Me

Rob 5 Minute MBA

Hi, I’m Rob — an enthusiastic writer, speaker, and people-person.

I started the 5 Minute MBA to provide the resource I wish I had during the last 14 years of studying and working in business. A place to find quick, actionable steps to improve my career today.

The content for this podcast pulls from four aspects of my life:

Eight years of studying business: Including a BBA in Management, an MBA, and one year of post-graduate business research. This, along with the hundreds of books and podcasts I read and listen to on business, career development, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Experience working as an analyst, trainer, manager, and director in both corporate and facility-level healthcare: I’ve made some big career mistakes, but I’ve also learned how to build win-win relationships and progress into higher levels of leadership.

Experience as an online entrepreneur — where I’ve worked for over 60 brands, partnered with 100+ freelancers, personally written over 200 articles and blog posts, and built two websites with a combined following of over 60,000 email subscribers.

Conversations with great leaders and business minds: Including my immediate social circle, leaders I’ve met through work, and connections made at conferences and events.

In this podcast, I pull experiences and knowledge from all four of these areas, along with ideas and feedback provided by you and other listeners.

I look forward to being a part of your continued career and business success!